Free at-home COVID-19 Test Kits are available at the front desk. If you are experiencing symptoms, please call for curbside or locker pickup.
Below are the library's most current policies and expectations
COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan We are currently in Stage 5
COVID-19 Policies and Procedures
Mask Expectations: Masks are OPTIONAL, but welcome. Patrons welcome inside our building and at programs with or without a mask, as of April 1st, 2022 but please respect the choices of others should they choose to wear a mask or not. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Patron Behavior: The Henika District Library (the “Library”) is open for specific and designated civic, educational, and cultural uses, including reading, studying, writing, participating in scheduled Library programs, and using Library materials. In order to provide resources and services to all people who visit the Library facilities in an atmosphere of courtesy, respect, and excellent service, the Library Board has adopted this Patron Behavior Policy. The purpose of the Patron Behavior Policy (“Policy”) is to assist the Library in fulfilling its mission as a community resource enriching life, stimulating intellectual curiosity, fostering literacy, and encouraging an informed citizenry.
The following rules of conduct shall apply to all buildings (interior and exterior), all grounds controlled and operated by the Library (“Library Property”), and to all persons entering in or on to Library Property, unless otherwise specified.
Rules for a Safe Environment
Violations of Law. Committing or attempting to commit an activity in violation of federal, state, or local law, ordinance, or regulation (including but not limited to assault, indecent exposure, larceny, removing Library material from Library Property without authorization through the approved lending procedures, vandalism, or copyright infringement) is prohibited.
Weapons. Carrying guns, pistols, or other weapons, except as specifically permitted and exempt from local regulation by law, on Library Property is prohibited.
Alcohol; Drugs. Possessing, selling, distributing, or consuming any alcoholic or intoxicating beverage, illegal drug, or drug paraphernalia is prohibited; provided that alcohol may be permitted at certain Library-sponsored events if specifically approved by the Library. Persons noticeably under the influence of any controlled substance or alcoholic or intoxicating liquor are not allowed on Library property.
Recreational Equipment and Personal Transport Devices. Use of skateboards, rollerblades, roller skates, or other wheeled form of recreational equipment (including toys that can be ridden or wagons) is not allowed in the Library or on Library Property. Library patrons must park bicycles or other recreational vehicles only in authorized areas. Wheelchairs, scooters, and other power-driven mobility devices are permitted by those individuals with disabilities in accordance with Library rules, unless a particular type of device cannot be accommodated because of legitimate safety requirements.
No Blocking of Doors, Aisles or Entrances. All doors, aisles and entrances must remain obstacle-free. This includes a prohibition of running power cords across aisles or other areas that are used for walking.
Animals. Animals are not permitted in the Library other than service animals (as defined by law) for those individuals with disabilities, those used in law enforcement or for Library programming. Animals may not be left unattended or be off-leash on Library Property.
Incendiary devices. The use of incendiary devices, such as candles, matches, and lighters, is prohibited inside the Library.
Staff Only Areas. Patrons shall not be permitted in any areas designated as “staff only” unless otherwise permitted by the Library Director.
School Groups. School groups using the Library must have approval of the Library Director and must have a teacher and other appropriate staff present to ensure that the students use the Library in conformance with these rules.
Rules for Personal Behavior
Personal Property. Personal property brought into the Library is subject to the following: ​
The Library is not responsible for personal belongings left unattended and Library staff is not permitted to guard or watch personal belongings.
​The Library does not guarantee storage for personal property.
Personal possessions must not be left unattended or take up seating or space if needed by others.
Food and Beverages. Food and beverages are only permitted in designated areas. Patrons must properly dispose of food wrappers and beverage containers. Food and uncovered beverages are not permitted at the public computer area.
Unauthorized Use. Patrons must leave the Library Property promptly at closing time and may not be in the Library when it is not open to the public. The Library does not permit overnight parking in the Library’s parking lot. Further, any patron whose privileges to use the Library have been denied may not enter the Library or be on Library Property. Any patron whose privileges have been limited may not use the Library in any manner that conflicts with those limits placed on the patron by the Library Director, his or her designee, or the Library Board.
Engaging in Proper Library Activities. Patrons shall be engaged in activities associated with the use of the Library while in the building or on Library Property. Patrons not engaged in reading, studying, writing, participating in scheduled Library programs, or using Library materials shall be required to leave the Library and shall not remain on Library Property. This includes sleeping on Library furniture, the floor, or outside on Library Property.
Considerate Use. The following behavior is prohibited in the Library or on Library Property:
Running, pushing, shoving, fighting, throwing items, provoking a fight or other unsafe physical behavior;
​Climbing on furniture;
​Using obscene or threatening language or gestures;
Engaging in sexual behavior (1) that is a violation of the law, (2) which can reasonably be expected to disturb Library users or staff while such staff or patrons are in the Library or on Library property, or (3) that interferes with the Library patrons’ use of the Library or the ability of the staff person to do his or her job.
Panhandling or Soliciting for Money, Products, and Services. Panhandling or soliciting Library staff or patrons for money, products, or services inside the Library or on Library property is prohibited. Sales of products or services that are incidental to Library programming may be permitted if approved in advance by the Library Director.
Interference with Staff. Patrons may not interfere with the staff’s performance of duties in the Library or on Library property. This includes engaging in conversation or behavior that monopolizes or forces the attention of staff for an inappropriate period, inappropriate personal comments, sexual advances, or physical and/or verbal harassment.
Campaigning, Petitioning, Interviewing and Similar Activities. As a limited public forum, the Library reserves the right to regulate the time, place, and manner for campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey-taking, pamphleteering, canvassing and soliciting on Library grounds as follows:
Campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey-taking, pamphleteering, canvassing, and soliciting are prohibited inside the Library building.
Campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey-taking, pamphleteering, canvassing, and soliciting outside the Library building but on Library property are subject to the following requirements:
Persons or groups are requested to sign in at the Checkout Desk in advance.​
Use of the Library property does not indicate the Library’s opposition or endorsement of the candidate or issue that is the subject of the petition, interview, campaign or discussion.​
Permitted areas for campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey-taking, pamphleteering, canvassing and soliciting outside of the Library building shall be limited to areas 25 feet from all entrances.​
No person shall block ingress or egress from the Library building.​
Permitted times will be limited to the operating hours of the Library.​
Campaign material, literature or petitions may not be brought into the Library, posted at the Library or left on Library property.
Sales. Selling merchandise on Library Property without prior permission from the Library Director is prohibited.
Distributions; Postings. Distributing or posting printed materials/literature on Library Property not in accordance with Library policy is prohibited.
Restrooms. Misuse of restrooms, including laundering, sleeping, shaving, excessive personal grooming, hair cutting or trimming, bathing, and sexual activity is prohibited. Unless a parent or guardian is assisting a child or a patron is assisting a person with a disability, there shall only be one person to a stall. Library materials may not be taken into restrooms.
Harassment. Staring, photographing, video recording, audio recording, following, stalking, harassing, arguing with, threatening, talking or behaving in a manner (1) which can reasonably be expected to disturb Library users or staff while such staff or patrons are in the Library or on Library property; (2) that interferes with the Library patrons’ use of the Library or the ability of the staff person to do his or her job is prohibited; (3) would create or may result in a hostile work environment for Library staff; and/or (4) that violates Michigan or federal law.
Loud Noise. Producing or allowing any loud, unreasonable, or disturbing noises that interfere with other patrons’ use of the Library or which can be reasonably expected to disturb other persons or have the intent of annoying other persons, including yelling, cheering, talking (with others or in monologues) or noises from electronic, entertainment, and communication devices, such as cell phones, tablets, headphones, and radio, is prohibited. Patrons may use headphones or earbuds but at a volume that cannot be heard by other Library patrons or staff.
Adults may read aloud to children in the Youth Area, provided that they are reading in a voice that would not
reasonably disturb others.
Odor. Offensive odor, including but not limited to, body odor due to poor personal hygiene, overpowering perfume or cologne, or odors from items brought into the Library, that causes a nuisance is prohibited. (For example, if the patron’s odor interferes with staff or other patrons’ use of the Library, the patron violates this Policy).
Phones. Those patrons desiring to use phones to place or receive calls must use the phones quietly so as not to disturb other patrons, outside of the Library building or in the Library’s lobby. Phones shall be placed on silent or vibrate mode upon entering the Library.
Library Policies. Patrons must adhere to all Library Policies.
Identification; Masks. Patrons must provide identification to Library staff when requested. A mask, hood, or device by which any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer is prohibited on Library Property, except for persons wearing head covering or veils pursuant to religious beliefs or customs.
Tables or Structures on Library Property. No person may use or set up a table, stand, sign or similar structure on Library Property. This does not apply to Library-sponsored or co-sponsored events.
Smoking; Tobacco or Marijuana Use. Smoking, using e-cigarettes, vaping, electronic nicotine delivery systems or chewing tobacco is prohibited on Library Property. Using, smoking or possessing marijuana on Library property is also prohibited.
Attire. All patrons are expected to be fully dressed, including shoes and shirt, at all times while on library property. Visible or damp swimming suits left uncovered are not considered to be appropriate attire unless specifically permitted for a library event. No bras or sports bra tops allowed without a proper full shirt over the top. No one with uncovered undergarments will be permitted on library property.
Rules for the Use and Preservation of Library Materials and Property
Care of Library Property. Patrons must not deface, vandalize, damage. or improperly use or improperly remove Library materials, equipment, furniture, or buildings. Patrons shall not load or install any programs or software on Library computers. Patrons shall be responsible to reimburse the Library for costs incurred by the Library for violating this provision. Patrons shall not cause damage by returning books containing bedbugs or bringing bedbugs into the Library.
Internet Use. Patrons must abide by established time limitations and all other provisions of the Library Internet Use Policy.
Equipment. Library staff computers are for staff use only.
Authorized Lending. Library materials may only be removed from the premises with authorization through established lending procedures.
Violations and Appeal
The Library Director or the Director’s designee may restrict access to Library facilities pursuant to the terms of the Library Violations and Appeal Policy.
Adopted: 2/21/96
Revised: 8/12/98
Revised: 2/14/02
Revised: 4/14/11
Revised: 11/8/12
Revised: 1/8/15
Revised: 12/13/18
Revised: 6/11/24
Library Violations and Appeal: The purpose of this policy is to provide a process for addressing violations of the Henika District Library policies. This Library Violations and Appeal Policy (“Policy”) will set forth the process and procedure for violations of certain Library policies in which there is a violation and appeal provision, including but not limited to the Patron Behavior, Meeting Room, Internet Use, and Children and Vulnerable Adults in the Library Policies.
Library Director/Designee’s Right to Suspend Privileges
Upon determining that a Library policy has been violated, the Library Director or the Director’s designee may restrict access to Library facilities with immediate dismissal of the patron from the premises, by suspending the patron’s access to Library facilities for a set period of time, or by denying access to specific services and/or programs pursuant to this Policy. If necessary, the local police may be called to intervene.
Incident reports
Library Staff shall record in writing in the form of an Incident Report any violation of Library policy that resulted in a verbal warning or a suspension of Library privileges. By the end of the day on which the incident occurred, an Incident Report shall be written and forwarded to the Library Director for logging and review. The Incident Report should include physical descriptions in addition to the name of the patron. A copy of the limitation or suspension of privileges letter should be attached, if applicable.
Violation of the Policy – Suspension of Privileges
General Violations. Unless otherwise provided in Section IV.B of this Library Violations Enforcement Policy, the Library shall handle violations as follows:
Initial Violation: Library patrons observed violating a Library policy will be asked to cease the violation with a verbal request. If the patron does not comply with the request, he or she will be asked to leave the building for the day. If he or she refuses, police may be called.
Subsequent Violations: The Director or the Director’s authorized designee may further limit or suspend the patron’s Library privileges if violations of the same rule continue. Such limitation or suspension shall be in writing specifying the nature of the violation. Subsequent violations of the same rule shall result in additional suspensions of increasing length.
Violations that Affect Safety and Security. Violations of Library policy that affect safety and security, including but not limited to violations involving verbal abuse, violence, threatening behaviors, child pornography or obscenity, sexual harassment, vandalism, drug sale or use or attempted drug sale or use, intoxication, theft or attempted theft, physical harassment, sexual misconduct or any behavior that threatens the safety and security of staff and/or patrons shall be handled as follows:
Initial Violation: The police will be called immediately if the conduct constitutes a violation or suspected violation of local, state, or federal law. Arrest or criminal prosecution may ensue. Violations of this nature will result in an immediate minimum two-week suspension of Library privileges in order to give the Library sufficient time to investigate the incident. After the investigation is completed, the Library Director or his/her designee may add additional time to the initial limitation or suspension period.
Subsequent Violations: The police will be called immediately if the conduct constitutes a violation or suspected violation of local, state, or federal law. Arrest or criminal prosecution may ensue. Subsequent violations of the same rule shall result in additional limitations or suspensions of increasing length. Such limitations or suspensions shall be in writing specifying the nature of the violation.
The patron whose privileges have been limited or suspended shall attend a meeting with the Director or the Director's designee to review the Library policy that was the subject of the violation before their privileges may be reinstated. The Director may also attach reasonable conditions to any reinstatement.
Right of Appeal
Patrons may appeal a decision (1) to limit or suspend privileges or (2) to attach conditions to any reinstatement by sending a written appeal to the Library Board within ten (10) business days of the date the privileges were revoked or limited or the conditions were made. The appeal should be sent to the President of the Library Board. The decision of the Library Board is final.
Adopted: 6/11/2024
Child and Vulnerable Adult Safety Policy: The Henika District Library strives to provide a safe, welcoming atmosphere for its patrons. Caregivers are responsible for the welfare and the behavior of children and/or vulnerable adults using the Henika District Library facilities. Although staff will always respond with care and concern, the Library is not responsible for the safety and comfort of unattended children or vulnerable adults. Henika District Library assumes no responsibility for children or vulnerable adults of any age left unattended at the library. Parents and legal guardians assume all liability for damage done by their children or vulnerable adults to the library facility, equipment, and materials or any bodily injury that may occur.
“Child” means a minor under the age of 18.
“Vulnerable Adult” means an individual age 18 or over who, because of developmental disability, mental illness, physical disability or other similar reason (1) requires supervision or personal care or (2) lacks the personal and social skills required to live independently.
“Caregiver” means parents, guardians, or responsible assigned caregivers at least 12 years old.
Rules and Regulations Regarding Children
All patrons, including children, are expected to comply with the Library's policies, including its Patron Behavior Policy. Caregivers shall review and be fully aware of all Library policies governing children, particularly the Internet Use Policy.
Caregivers are responsible for the behavior and supervision of their children regardless of age while in the Library.
Library Staff will not be expected to supervise or monitor children's behavior outside of the library’s policies.
Children under 10 years of age must be attended by a caregiver while on the library premises. The caregiver shall remain in the Library at all times. If a child under the age of 10 is attending a Library sponsored program on the premises, the caregiver is to remain on the premises for the duration of the program. Exceptions are made on a case by case basis at the discretion of the Library Director.
Children of any age who, because of developmental disability, mental illness, physical disability or other similar reason, require supervision or personal care shall be attended by a caregiver at all times.
Children under the age of 6 must be within the visual contact of a caregiver at all times, including during programs and visits to the restroom.
Staff will not be responsible if unattended children of any age leave the library premises alone or with other persons. Further, staff will not be responsible for children who may be asked to leave the Library if the child is in violation of Library policy.
We request that all unattended children be picked up at least ten minutes before closing time if they require transportation. Caregivers need to be aware of when the Library closes.
Children 10 years or older must know their parent or guardian’s telephone number and other contact information if they are unattended at the Library. It is a violation of Library policy not to come immediately and pick up your unattended child if the Library calls.
Rules and Regulations Regarding Vulnerable Adults
All patrons, including vulnerable adults are expected to comply with the Library's policies, including its Patron Code of Conduct Policy. Caregivers shall review and be fully aware of all Library policies, particularly the Internet Use Policy.
Caregivers are responsible for the behavior and supervision of the vulnerable adult in their care while in the Library or on Library property.
Vulnerable adults who are unable or unwilling to care for themselves or who do not have the ability to use the Library independently may not be left alone in the Library and must have adequate supervision while in the Library.
Vulnerable adults who can understand and follow the Patron Code of Conduct Policy and who can care for themselves are allowed to be in the Library unattended. They should have contact information for someone who can assist them in an emergency.
We request that all vulnerable adults be picked up at least ten minutes before closing time if they require transportation. Caregivers need to be aware of when the Library closes.
Vulnerable adults must know their telephone number and other contact information if they are unattended at the Library. It is a violation of Library policy not to come immediately and pick up your vulnerable adult if the Library calls.
Contact with Parent or Guardian for Unattended Child or Vulnerable Adult
Library staff will attempt to contact a parent or legal guardian when:
The health or safety of an unattended child or vulnerable adult is in doubt.
The behavior of an unattended child or vulnerable adult violates Library policy.
The unattended child or vulnerable adult has not been met by a caregiver at closing time. An individual is considered an unattended vulnerable adult when he/she is not picked up by closing time and needs assistance procuring transportation.
If a caregiver cannot be reached within 5 minutes after closing or fails to arrive within a reasonable time after being contacted, Library staff will contact law enforcement officials to take charge of the situation involving the unattended child or vulnerable adult. Library employees are not permitted to transport an unattended child or vulnerable adult under any circumstances.
If the caregiver can be reached within 5 minutes after closing and arrives in a reasonable time, the staff member shall explain the Library’s policy and provide a copy of this Policy.
Two Library staff members shall remain with the unattended child or vulnerable adult until the caregiver or law enforcement arrive.
Lost Children
At no time should children under the age of 6 be left in the youth area or any other area of the library out of view of their caregivers. If it is determined that a child is lost or unattended, the child should be brought to a member of the supervisory staff. That supervisor shall then try to identify and locate the parent(s) or responsible adult(s). The following steps shall be followed:
The supervisor will walk through the building with the child.
If a parent or responsible adult is not found in the building, the child will stay in the company of the supervisor until the caregiver can be contacted by telephone.
When contact with the caregiver is made, the policy regarding lost or unattended children shall be explained, and they will be requested to pick up the child.
If the caregiver has not been located within fifteen minutes and cannot be reached by phone, or if the library is closing, the supervisor shall contact the City Police for further assistance.
If a caregiver cannot locate their child, an announcement should be made and staff members should block the exits. All other available staff should search for the child in the building or on library grounds outside. If the child has not been located within ten minutes, a member of the supervisory staff shall contact the City Police for further assistance. Once the police arrive, staff may resume normal duties.
Adopted: 4/21/92
Revised: 10/16/96
Revised: 8/12/98
Revised: 7/14/05
Revised: 4/16/15
Revised: 1/10/19
Revised: 9/13/22
Smoke Free Environment
The Henika District Library follows Public Act 188 of 2009 regarding smoke-free environments. It also bans the use of e-cigarettes and chewing tobacco.​
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): The Henika District Library (“Library”) is subject to the provision of the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). As a local government, the Library’s services, programs, and activities, including but limited to its website, are required to comply with ADA.
The Library is committed to ensuring that no qualified individual with a disability shall, on the basis of a disability, be denied the benefits of the Library’s services, programs, or activities.
Policy: Reasonable Accommodations
Applicability. Reasonable accommodations may be made in accordance with the law for individuals with a disability. A “disability” is defined as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Accommodations Requested. Individuals needing special auxiliary aids or services or other reasonable accommodations for access to Library programs, services, activities, or meetings should make a request by contacting the Library Director within a reasonable time in advance of the needed service, program, activity. or meeting in order that arrangements may be made.
The person requesting the accommodation shall work with the Director to determine whether there is a
reasonable accommodation that would enable the person to participate in the program, service, or activity at
issue. This may include providing information regarding the requested accommodation to the extent such
inquiries are permitted by law.
Reasonable Accommodations. The Library shall make reasonable modifications to policies, practices, or procedures when the modifications are necessary to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability, unless the public entity can demonstrate that making the modifications would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or activity or impose an undue financial or administrative burden. The reasonable accommodation is not always the accommodation that is requested.
Policy: Service Animals
Service Animals Permitted. Animals are not permitted in the Library other than Service Animals (as defined by law) for those individuals with disabilities, those used in law enforcement or for Library programming. Service Animals are permitted to accompany individuals with disabilities in all areas of the Library where the public is allowed to go.
Permitted Inquiries. The Library is permitted to ask the person requiring a Service Animal the following questions: (i) is the animal a service animal required because of a disability? (ii) what work or task has the animal been individually trained to perform? The Library may not ask about the individual’s disability, require medical documentation, require a special identification card, or ask that the service animal demonstrate its ability.
Removal of Service Animals. A service animal may be removed for either of the following reasons: (i) the animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it; or (ii) the animal is not housebroken.
Policy: Reasonable Accommodations Dealing with Wheelchairs, Mobility Aids, and Other Power Driven Mobility Devices
When Permitted. Wheelchairs, Mobility Aids, and Other Power Driven Mobility Devices (“OPDMDs”) are only permitted by those who require them because of a disability. All other uses of OPDMDs inside the Library are prohibited. The Library is permitted to ask the person using the device to provide a “credible assurance” that the device is necessary because of a disability. The Library Director or his or her designee shall obtain such credible assurances if required.
Where Permitted. OPDMDs shall be permitted in all areas where patron pedestrian traffic is permitted. When not in use, OPDMDs cannot impede entrances or walkways.
Speed. OPDMDs shall be operated at the speed of walking pedestrian traffic, which is approximately 3 miles per hour.
Prohibited OPDMDs. OPDMDs that use a gas or combustion engine are prohibited from operating inside of the Library.
Grievance Procedure
This Grievance Procedure is established to meet the requirements of the ADA. It may be used by anyone who wishes to file a complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of disability by the Library in the provision of its services, activities and programs. Please note that the policy applies to patrons and users of the Library.
A complaint should be in writing and contain information about the alleged discrimination such as name, address, phone number of the complainant and location, date, and description of the problem. Alternative means for filing a complaint, such as personal interviews or a tape recording, will be made available for persons with disabilities upon request. A complaint should be submitted by the grievant or his/her designee as soon as possible but no later than 15 business days after the date of the alleged violation to:
Library Director
Henika District Library
149 South Main St.
Wayland, MI 49348
Within 15 business days after receipt of a complaint, the Library Director or designee will meet with the complainant to discuss the complaint and possible resolutions. Within 15 business days of the meeting, the Library Director will respond in writing and, when appropriate, in a format accessible to the complainant, such as large print or audio tape. The response will explain the position of the Library and offer options for substantive resolution of the complaint.
If the response by the Library does not satisfactorily resolve the issue, the complainant or his/her designee may appeal the decision within 15 business days after receipt of the response to the Library Board. After receipt of the appeal, the Library Board shall hear the appeal and notify the complainant in writing and, when appropriate, in a format accessible to the complainant, with a final resolution of the complaint.
All written complaints received by the Library Director or the Library Board of Trustees will be retained by the Library for at least three years.
Adopted: 7/16/2024
Acceptable Computer Use Policy: Patrons must read and agree to this policy prior to using library computers or laptops. Certain restrictions exist with regard to computer use, including:
Library computers shall not be used for fraudulent or unlawful purposes.
Library computers shall not be used to access websites portraying graphic sexual acts or excessive violence and gore. While the library does use filters on its computer, there is no guarantee that objectionable material will not be viewed. It is therefore the responsibility of the patron to ensure that these websites are not accessed during their usage of the computers.
Children below the age of six must have a parent/guardian seated with them at all times in order to use library computers
Time limits are imposed by time limiting software. Time may be extended upon request of the patron if there are no others waiting.
Computer use and Internet access are privileges, not rights. If a user is found in violation of this policy, privileges will be suspended for the remainder of the day. Repeated violations may lead to a one week suspension.
Henika District Library provides access to remote devices that can be checked out for use outside of the library for any legal, educational, recreational or ethical purpose. Patrons must read and agree to this policy prior to using remote devices offered or circulated by the library including, but not limited to: hotspots, launchpads, e-readers and other devices predetermined by the library.
Certain restrictions exist with regard to device use, including:
Library devices shall not be used for fraudulent or unlawful purposes.
Library devices shall not be used to access websites portraying graphic sexual acts or excessive violence and gore.
Even when the library does use filters on its device(s), there is no guarantee that objectionable material will not be viewed. It is therefore the responsibility of the patron to ensure that these websites are not accessed during their usage of the device(s).
Library devices available for circulation must be checked out on an adult (18+) card and done so with a signed lending agreement for the specific device unless otherwise specified by the library.
Loan periods are imposed by the library and last for one week (seven days). The loan period may be extended up to once upon request of the patron if there are no others waiting.
​Devices overdue by three (3) or more days will have service terminated until they are returned.
Devices overdue by more than 30 days will be billed to the patron for the full amount.
Device checkouts are privileges, not rights. If a user is found in violation of this policy, privileges will be suspended for a period determined by the director.
In addition to these restrictions, patrons must acknowledge that the library does not use filters on its remote devices unless specified. It is therefore the responsibility of the patron to monitor the content accessed and remain in accordance with the library’s acceptable use policy.
The Henika District Library offers free, wireless Internet connectivity to the general public. The access point name for users is LIBRARY PUBLIC WIFI. Wireless users should be aware that the wireless internet is also filtered and the same acceptable computer use policies listed above apply when using library internet, even on personal devices. Use of the Library’s wireless network is at the user’s own risk. The Henika District Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of the wireless network. The Library makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the wireless Internet service provided.r the purpose of enhancing the physical security of the library, its property, staff, and users. However, the library must post signage on the entrances if security cameras are installed on the property giving notice to surveillance equipment. Only the library director will have direct access to the live and recorded footage as necessary for security purposes. The decision to disclose surveillance camera images will be made by the library’s director in consultation with the library board and the library’s legal counsel and only when necessary to protect the interests of the library and its staff and when it is permitted by the state library confidentiality statute. Data and/or media retained from the surveillance of said devices will be stored in a secure location and destroyed as soon as permitted by law, unless it is being used in legal action.
Video Surveillance Policy: The Henika District Library is committed to protecting both the safety of the library, its materials, staff, and patrons as well as their privacy. The guidelines for various types of video surveillance in the library are as outlined below.
SECURITY CAMERAS - The library may have security cameras for the purpose of enhancing the physical security of the library, its property, staff, and users. However, the library must post signage on the entrances if security cameras are installed on the property giving notice to surveillance equipment. Only the library director will have direct access to the live and recorded footage as necessary for security purposes. The decision to disclose surveillance camera images will be made by the library’s director in consultation with the library board and the library’s legal counsel and only when necessary to protect the interests of the library and its staff and when it is permitted by the state library confidentiality statute. Data and/or media retained from the surveillance of said devices will be stored in a secure location and destroyed as soon as permitted by law, unless it is being used in legal action.
USERS FILMING IN THE LIBRARY - Users filming in or on library property must:
Have the consent of everyone being recorded.
Not film in such a way that disrupts library staff or other patrons.
Not compromise the safety or privacy of the library staff or other patrons.
Not harass library staff or other library patrons.
If the above guidelines are met, filming may only occur in patron allowed spaces. Filming in staff only spaces, behind desks, the director’s office, and in restrooms is strictly prohibited. Users filming are also expected to adhere to the library’s policies regarding Patron Rules and Responsibilities. Users found in non-compliance with these policies may be asked to stop filming and/or to vacate the premises.
Social Media Policy: The purpose of the Social Media Policy is to ensure effective promotion and discussion of the Henika District Library (“Library”) services, resources, and events, and to ensure a reputation for outstanding community engagement and customer service on social media. The purpose of the social media accounts is to discuss library programs, events and materials.
Social media is defined as electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content. Social media would include any webpage or app through which the Library has an account and interacts with other users.
The Library Director has the authority to determine whether a particular social media account is used by the Library. This Policy only applies to official Library social media accounts. The social media accounts of individual employees or Board members are not subject to this Policy.
The Library operates and maintains social media sites as a public service to provide information regarding Library services, programs, materials, events, and activities. Although the Library welcomes the comments, posts, and messages of other social media users that relate to the Library and recognizes and respects differences in opinion, the social media sites are limited public forums and are subject to review by Library staff members. The Library reserves the right to (but is not required to) remove any comment, post, or message that it deems in violation of this Policy. The Rules are as follows:
​Privacy: Users should have no expectation of privacy when commenting on Library posts or tagging the Library. Comments and posts may be read by anyone once posted, regardless of one’s friends, followers, or subscribers list. The Library advises users against posting their personal information or contact information on social media sites. Comments and posts may also be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.
Library’s Rights: The Library reserves the right to reproduce comments and posts tagging the Library in other public venues (ex: testimonials). Reproductions of this nature may be edited for space or content, but the original intent of the comment or post will be maintained.
No Endorsement: The Library is not responsible for the content of posts made by third parties, including patrons, reviewers, advertisers, and others who may post comments. Public posts by third parties do not reflect the positions of the Library, its employees, or any individual Board member.
Unauthorized Content: To ensure a healthy, safe space to discuss Library services, resources, and events, content containing any of the following may be removed immediately from any Library social media forum:
​Obscene, illegal, sexually harassing, threatening or abusive speech or nudity in profile pictures.
Any post that affects the safety and security of the Library, its property, patrons and staff or creates a hostile work environment.
Private or personal information, including phone numbers and addresses, or requests for personal information.
Any statement by a user under a false name or any falsification of identity.
Comments, links, or information unrelated to the purpose of the limited public forum
Spam or other commercial messages.
Any postings that would violate the Michigan Campaign Finance Act, the Library Privacy Act or other Michigan or federal laws.
Solicitation of funds.
Any comment, post or other content that violates any person’s intellectual property rights, including but not limited to violations of the Copyright Act.
Any information deemed harmful to minors in violation of the Michigan Library Privacy Act.
Any post that violates any Library policy.
Any images, links, or other content that falls into the above categories.
Any post that requires immediate action because the Library does not monitor its social media 24 hours a day.
Any document, information, or image that would be considered a Library record that is posted without permission of the patron or person identified in that record. For example, no picture of a Library program shall be posted without permission of every person in that picture.
Third Party Usage Rules: In addition, users are expected to abide by the terms and conditions set by third party social media platforms as well as follow appropriate federal and state law.
The Library reserves the right to ban or block users who have posted in violation of this Policy or to delete posts or comments. To the extent the Library has sufficient contact information and the Library will message users who have been blocked or whose content is deleted to explain the issue and notify the person of the action. Any person who has been blocked or whose post or comment has been deleted has the right to appeal that decision to the Library Board. The appeal should be sent to the Library Director within 10 business days of the (1) decision to block or ban or (2) deletion of the post or comment, whichever is applicable. The Library Board shall decide the appeal.
The Library asks that individual user complaints be sent directly to a manager or the Director so that they can be addressed efficiently. Social media is not the mechanism used by the Library to document or address Library user problems and concerns, or influence Library policy, procedures, or programs.
Severe Weather
Henika District Library strives to maintain a safe environment for its patrons. To ensure public safety during times of severe weather, the following procedure has been adopted:
When a severe weather watch or warning for a thunderstorm or tornado has been issued by the National Weather Service for our area of Allegan County,
In the case of unattended children, parents will be contacted by phone to inform them that their children are in a safe location.
Patrons will be asked to use the designated shelter area or leave the premises. The Henika District Library is not responsible for the safety of those patrons who decide to leave.
Library equipment will be shut down when an approaching storm could cause electrical damage to computers.
Programming will be canceled.
The elevator will not be used during these severe weather conditions.
If Wayland Union Schools has chosen to close due to winter weather, the library will delay opening until 1:00 pm. The road and weather conditions will be assessed at 11:00 am, and the Library Director will decide whether or not to remain closed for the rest of the day. Once the decision is made, staff will be notified, and the website and social media accounts will be updated accordingly. On days the schools would not regularly be open, the Library Director and Board President will decide if the library should delay opening or close due to inclement weather. When a severe winter weather warning has been issued by the National Weather Services for our area of Allegan County, the library will delay opening until 1:00 pm. On Saturdays, the library will close for the day.
The Library Director and/or Board President may also choose to close the library early if necessary.
Staff will be paid for the normal hours they would have worked in the case of library closure due to severe weather.
Notary Services
Notary services will be provided at the Henika District Library in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan.
Notary services will be available in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan. Only HDL employees who hold a valid State of Michigan notary commission will be able to provide notary services. Notary services are on an appointment or walk-in basis during regular library hours when a notary is scheduled to work and available to perform the task, up to 30 minutes prior to closing or prior to the end of the notary’s shift. HDL cannot guarantee that a notary will be on staff at all times, therefore patrons should call ahead to verify a notary is present and available. HDL does not guarantee availability of notary services at any time, availability is at the discretion of the library. Remote notary services are not permitted.
There is no charge for notary services.
Patrons must provide:
The completed, unsigned, document(s) to be notarized.
A valid, unexpired state ID, federal ID, or other government ID with signature and photo (accepted forms of ID include: driver’s license, state ID card, US military ID, or US passport)
A witness, if required, who must personally know the person whose documents are being notarized, and who can provide valid photo identification.
Documents the Henika District Library will not notarize:
Documents that are already signed
Documents with blank pages, documents or pages not filled in, pages not related to the body of the document, or pages in a language other than English
Blank documents
Homeland Security I-9 Forms
Real estate documents, such as closing documents, mortgages, and deeds
Trust and estate planning documents such as trusts, living wills, wills, codicils,
Documents written in any language other than English
HDL cannot “certify a copy” (e.g., verify that a reproduction of an original is a true, complete, and correct copy of the original)
Notaries cannot certify or notarize that a document/record is an original or true copy of another record, including birth certificates, death certificates, adoption records, or marriage licenses. In Michigan, a notary can only acknowledge the signature of the issuer or holder (person on the document) making a true copy statement on, or attached to, the document.
The notaries retain the right to refer patrons elsewhere if they doubt the validity of the document(s) they are being asked to notarize or are uncomfortable with the person or persons signing the document(s).
The notary will maintain a journal in which each transaction will be noted, along with the identification provided.
Notarizing a document does not constitute a legal review of the document’s content. A notary public may refuse to perform a notarial act at any time, for any reason (MCL55.285[8]).
Notaries adhere to the Michigan Notary public act of 2003:
Notaries cannot give professional advice on legal matters pertaining to notarizing documents.
The notaries cannot act as a witness to and notarize the same document. Henika District Library will not provide witnesses and witnesses may not be solicited from other patrons using the library. To serve as a witness, the witness must personally know the person whose documents are being notarized, and must also provide valid photo identification.
Notaries are not permitted to make use of a translator to communicate with a notary services patron.
Documents to be notarized must be signed in person, in front of the notary who will certify the signature.
Special Collection Policies: Special items for circulation include, but are not limited to: Gaming Consoles, Launchpads, Chromebooks, Digital Cameras, and other materials deemed so by the library.
Patrons must read and agree to this policy prior to using or checking out any of Henika District Library’s Special Collection items. Certain restrictions and expectations exist with regard to item use, including:
In order to borrow a Special Collection item, a patron must have an adult (18+) Henika District Library card (or a card from a Lakeland Library) in good standing and must sign the corresponding item’s Lending Agreement.
Special Collection items are not available to be sent out for interlibrary loan.
Special Collection items must be returned to the Circulation Desk at Henika District Library. They cannot be placed in a book drop or returned to any other library.
A Special Collection item may be borrowed for 1 week (7 days) and may be renewed up to 1 time upon patron request unless another patron is waiting.
Certain restrictions and expectations exist with regard to the borrowing patron’s responsibility, including:
Borrower is responsible for adhering to the library's Acceptable Use Policy regarding Remote Devices.
The library is not responsible for any costs incurred or damage to personal equipment while borrowers use the devices or for the security of connected patron devices.
The library does its best to provide clean and fully functional equipment, but is not responsible for unforeseen hardware or software failure.
Borrower is responsible for the safe-keeping and return of these items to the library in good working order and assumes liability for the equipment while it is in their care.
Borrower is responsible for damaged and/or missing pieces of the package as outlined in the respective item’s lending agreement.
Freedom of Information Act:
Library Cards
Overdue Fines and Bills
Loan Periods
Interlibrary Loan and Reciprocal Borrowing
Lost and Missing Items